Okay ladies and gentleman, as far as i can see, the ladder scripts are
I have written the elo ranking script using the equations from
Wikipedia:Elo rating system , using a modified k-value.
You can see a brief overview
Ladder rules are
Challenging works this way:
- team leaders are able to challenge other teams using the "challenge" link from the ladder table. A new open challenge will be created, deadline is 2 weeks.
- All teamleaders are able to change the challenge date, using the match manager of their team.
- If both teams agrees to one date, the server password will be set automatic at the match's date. All teams will get the server password via private message.
- Both teams have to write a match report (see match manager). The ladder referees can accept the match, if all requirements are fulfilled (correct maps were played, only authed team members in both teams, correct server settings).
- If both teams agree to the referee's decision, the game will be evaluated and the challenge is closed.
Most parts are coded so far, so we can begin soon with a first ladder. Anyone got some ideas for maps ? Anyone wants to be ladder referee ?