first of all, I would like to apologize for the harsh words said during this match. All that was very unnecessary and I think we all could have done without it 
secondly, I do not see any problem with the oasago2 matches, however the oa_ctf4ish match I agree was a bit of a dick move. The camping on that map was very much intended to frustrate you. The idea was to prevent you from attaining any other weapon than the mg and sg. Although it is not a perfect strategy(there is no health by rail spawn), it was a very cruel one, especially if you were unprepared for it.
all in all, I hope that you can accept my apology and that we may remain on good terms with each other

secondly, I do not see any problem with the oasago2 matches, however the oa_ctf4ish match I agree was a bit of a dick move. The camping on that map was very much intended to frustrate you. The idea was to prevent you from attaining any other weapon than the mg and sg. Although it is not a perfect strategy(there is no health by rail spawn), it was a very cruel one, especially if you were unprepared for it.
all in all, I hope that you can accept my apology and that we may remain on good terms with each other