I almost can't talk, killbind often doesn't work (/bind f kill, nothing unusual), and i often can't join a team including spectators. The only thing I always can is spectate with /reconnect, and if im lucky i get through the limits to join a team and play some.
Is this due the floodprotect??? Limit it to one message every five minutes or so?
(and then some of the players.. but there's nothing to do about that, at least not at this moment)
I really like the mod, but complete chat silence and no team switching is bullshit (wether it is done on purpose or not).
Is this due the floodprotect??? Limit it to one message every five minutes or so?
(and then some of the players.. but there's nothing to do about that, at least not at this moment)
I really like the mod, but complete chat silence and no team switching is bullshit (wether it is done on purpose or not).