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Author Topic: Some Changes  (Read 1683 times)


  • (Archive)Evil|Clan Admin
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Some Changes
« on: February 19, 2009, 21:15:43 PM »
There are 3 new Evils: Toxicity in Evil-Beta,Taz in Evil-Beta and Ghostbuster in Evil.
There are many new maps on the server:

q3wcp9  - Spider Crossings
q3wcp10 - Crude Crossings
q3wcp11 - Industrial Accident
q3wcp12 - Mostly Harmless
q3wcp13 - Funk Dat
q3wcp14 - Camper Crossings
q3wcp15 - Industrial Revolution
q3wcp16 - Coral CTF
q3wxs2  - Silly Shootings
PaniC will also add q3wpak0.pk3.
q3wcp1 - Japanese Castles
q3wcp2 - Cold Crossings
q3wcp3 - Hot Crossings
q3wcp4 - Schadenfreude
q3wcp5 - ShiNNing Forces
q3wcp6 - Devolved CTF
q3wcp7 - Dynatron
q3wcp8 - Harsh Grounds

Here you will find a list with the current custom maps on the Evil|Arena

Brightskins are now avaliable, just enable Autodownload (At your own risk  ;)) and you will download them automatically. Then cg_forceModel 1 and you will see just a bunch of glowing Sarges. The Server uses the modfolder "Evil". You will also find your config for the server there.

Thx keep for the translation. ;)


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Re: Some Changes
« on: February 23, 2009, 15:25:03 PM »
From my side i must say big thanks for putting new maps on server :) Now i really enjoy playing there.

Good luck on arenas!


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Re: Some Changes
« on: February 24, 2009, 12:30:32 PM »
From my side i must say also THANK YOU,

Finally i have now time to visit also other servers and find out that they arent bad as i though  :-*


  • (Archive)Evil|Clan Member
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Re: Some Changes
« on: February 25, 2009, 09:52:05 AM »
Finally i have now time to visit also other servers and find out that they arent bad as i though  Kiss

Then please give me a list of the servers that are good.  :)


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Re: Some Changes
« on: February 25, 2009, 20:31:56 PM »
oaHUN clanserver ---- there is oasago2 map and good players, i enjoy fun  :P negative is lag, but np ..
CTF VANILLA ----- when i want to dare someone on duel, iLL go there, coz nobody plays there and ping is good --- oasago2 as basic map
openarena.eu ---- oasago2 map + other normal maps, bad is lag (but not often) and many noobs --> it sux

RN PRIVATE CLANSERVER --- private server, you can meet there only skilled players, ping and unlag hitscan very good ... negative is less popularity of this one server

VIRTUAL CATTLEGROUND CTF --- normal ping and noobs, i can play there when elsewhere is full and there is also oasago2 very often...

RN|1v1 --- best tournament server, when i wanna stress myself, i go there :p


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Re: Some Changes
« on: February 27, 2009, 12:42:42 PM »
i also like:

Vanilla DM and ROFL All Rockets [CTF]  

both of them are nice servers where you can have a lot of fun ;)


  • (Archive)Evil|Clan Member
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Re: Some Changes
« on: February 28, 2009, 10:42:19 AM »
I like to play in tuxfamily when there are atleast 8 players or so (was there with orly yesterday!).  There are noobs, yes, and many old lame maps... but it can be quite fun.  Maybe its just cause there I actually feel like a "good" player, in evil only sometimes :)

But I think its safe to say the the evil server is the most popular CTF server...atleast in our pingzone  ;D


  • (Archive)Evil|Clan Member
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Re: Some Changes
« on: March 26, 2009, 18:11:12 PM »
Quote from: kilgore on February 28, 2009, 10:42:19 AM
atleast in our pingzone  ;D
Oh yeah, Nemesis has also a good population of players...:D but i think evil arena is much better than nemesis...okay, that is almost the only normal american server (sorry for the other admins) but there are too many maps, and too many places... 20 on f.e. speedyctf is a bit..ehm... weird.. unplayable..
i think the SOD server in the past called Nomex server is also good, for me the ping is fine, there are often good players, so i think after evil arena that is the second best european ctf server.

=sc= ctf server was also a good server in the past...but now its like sh*t..sorry tatayoyo, but now it is not playable...has timebug and nobody plays there...so... however. i had many and many 1v1 ctf battles there against xnonix, c4, u named, bong, etc...

rofl insta: well there is every time someone. if the other servers are full, i just go there and try to have fun. ^^ 
Belzerail as well. :)


  • (Archive)Evil|Clan Admin
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Re: Some Changes
« on: March 26, 2009, 18:56:49 PM »
The 3 RN Defrag Servers are very good too, nemesis is most time playmable for me, and alma is a good admin. :)

I like rofl insta and allrockets, always good when i dont want to play with all weaps or i just suck in normal ctf. ;D


  • (Archive)Evil|Clan Member
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Re: Some Changes
« on: March 26, 2009, 19:29:25 PM »
Quote from: Panic on March 26, 2009, 18:56:49 PM
The 3 RN Defrag Servers are very good too, nemesis is most time playmable for me, and alma is a good admin. :)

I like rofl insta and allrockets, always good when i dont want to play with all weaps or i just suck in normal ctf. ;D

the vq3freestyle was good, but now with just 1 map..i dont really like it..:(
i never loved runs test maps,so i dont really like this too...:(
the 3rd is almost good, but i dont know it much :)
i also dont know alma, just 20 people is many for me. :)