I start with the bad news: Panic, founder of Evil|Clan and leader for almost two years, decided to leave the clan.
The good news: He supports us in order to maintain Evil|Clan.
The clan is now in a transmission process. Helvas is the new leader and I will co-lead. Most of the previous clan members have already indicated that they will stay in evil. We request the remaining evil fellows to contact us in irc/forum/email.
We are all indebted to Obama, our bastard operator from hell
He provides our game server, mumble server and now as well hosts our homepage with its various cron jobs. Thank you very much for your work!
Panic, thanks again for the good time, for still supporting us and of course for providing the domain and channel
Stay tuned, folks, we'll keep you informed
greetz, perry
The good news: He supports us in order to maintain Evil|Clan.
The clan is now in a transmission process. Helvas is the new leader and I will co-lead. Most of the previous clan members have already indicated that they will stay in evil. We request the remaining evil fellows to contact us in irc/forum/email.
We are all indebted to Obama, our bastard operator from hell

He provides our game server, mumble server and now as well hosts our homepage with its various cron jobs. Thank you very much for your work!
Panic, thanks again for the good time, for still supporting us and of course for providing the domain and channel

Stay tuned, folks, we'll keep you informed

greetz, perry