Hello world 
just a few notes:
God|TheJoker created a IRC channel for "free" players (who are not in any clan): #OpenArenaFreeUsers @ quakenet
Not really new, but maybe unknown: The "playersearch" function on the right panel allows to search for players who are currently playing on oa servers. Just enter a name and hit the "go" button. You can as well access this function directly. For example like this:
Edit (ObaMa):
also i have add the serverinfoframe upper right for all non evils too, then i have add a new pastebin http://paste.evilarena.de/, because the old one was a bit buggy, if anyone need a entry from the old paste, PM me.
Don't forget the old (new linked page's) http://www.evilarena.de/defrag/ and http://www.evilarena.de/insta/ to check maps and informations about our Defrag and Insta+rj server.
The Irc Stats http://stats.evilarena.de/ seems to be work verry well now, the chainsaw log bug is fixed so the stats should be right up from now.
in nextime we may try to build a "who is in #evilarena" IRC Frame
NOTICE FOR EVILS: we must change the Mumbe and #evil|clan passwords in the next days, so if u don't come in anymore you should check http://www.evilarena.de/contact/ (logged in)
perry edit my bugy english if u want
best regards

just a few notes:
God|TheJoker created a IRC channel for "free" players (who are not in any clan): #OpenArenaFreeUsers @ quakenet
Not really new, but maybe unknown: The "playersearch" function on the right panel allows to search for players who are currently playing on oa servers. Just enter a name and hit the "go" button. You can as well access this function directly. For example like this:
Edit (ObaMa):
also i have add the serverinfoframe upper right for all non evils too, then i have add a new pastebin http://paste.evilarena.de/, because the old one was a bit buggy, if anyone need a entry from the old paste, PM me.
Don't forget the old (new linked page's) http://www.evilarena.de/defrag/ and http://www.evilarena.de/insta/ to check maps and informations about our Defrag and Insta+rj server.
The Irc Stats http://stats.evilarena.de/ seems to be work verry well now, the chainsaw log bug is fixed so the stats should be right up from now.
in nextime we may try to build a "who is in #evilarena" IRC Frame
NOTICE FOR EVILS: we must change the Mumbe and #evil|clan passwords in the next days, so if u don't come in anymore you should check http://www.evilarena.de/contact/ (logged in)
perry edit my bugy english if u want

best regards