Hello players,
we have a new channel for pickup games. Join #aftershock.pickup in quakenet for 1v1,ctf and ca pugs.
!add to add yourself to a pickup game ( !add 1v1 for 1v1 server )
!remove to remove yourself from a game( !remove 1v1 )
!who to see who is added ( !who 1v1 )
!ip to get the ip ( !ip 1v1 )
!promote to promote a game ( !promote 1v1 )
!status to get serverstatus, map players ( !status 1v1 )
When you're searching for good, non-public games join the pickup-channel
we have a new channel for pickup games. Join #aftershock.pickup in quakenet for 1v1,ctf and ca pugs.
!add to add yourself to a pickup game ( !add 1v1 for 1v1 server )
!remove to remove yourself from a game( !remove 1v1 )
!who to see who is added ( !who 1v1 )
!ip to get the ip ( !ip 1v1 )
!promote to promote a game ( !promote 1v1 )
!status to get serverstatus, map players ( !status 1v1 )
When you're searching for good, non-public games join the pickup-channel