Hello players,
much happened to oaUnofficial the last two month and i was to lazy to write it down. Yes procrastination sucks, now i have so much to write down.
First of all: This project is called "aftershock" now.
you can activate respawntimers with cg_drawRespawnTimer when g_allowRespawnTimer is set on server.
On the right side of the item is the next item, when >1 items of this type spawn on the map. On the left side is the teamicon(in CTF games).
There are some bugs with teamitems and powerups, 1v1 should work great.
http://www.abload.de/img/shot00056pzo.jpg (possible offline)
(Link: http://www.abload.de/img/shot00056pzo.jpg)
High resolution icons
Icons are now 128px X 128px big. Looks much better on high-res.
READY system
g_startWhenReady 0,1,2
Players can ready up or unready with the "ready" command(toggle).
The match starts when half is ready ( g_startWhenReady 1 ), or all are ready ( g_startWhenReady 2 ).
When a player changes the ready-status you can see a message on the screen.
http://www.abload.de/img/shot0006t32z.jpg (possible offline)
(Link: http://www.abload.de/img/shot0006t32z.jpg)
cg_autosnaps sets snaps to the sv_fps value. sv_fps is set to 40 on aftershock servers, please use 40 too.
Vote sounds
When a player calls a vote a "vote now" sounds is played. "vote passed", "vote failed" is played at the end of vote.
When g_timeoutAllow is set players can call a timeout with the "timeout" command. The timeout is g_timeoutTime long(msec).
Need some testing, critical bugs.
Projectile delag
To balance the game a bit, admins can enable projectile delag.
g_delagProjectiles 0,1,2,3+
0 - nothing happened
1 - Projectile-nudge 50ms
2 - Projectile-nudge serverlag
3+ - Nudge projectiles per ping(max g_delagprojectiles )
I recommend g_delagProjectiles 100, so players with 100 ping can play with full delagged projectiles.
Thanks to JessicaRa for this.
With autoaction the game will record a demo, write a screenshot and/or write endgame-stats.
The files are organized in folders, the foldername is the date ( "2010-07-17" ).
The filename is for example "20100717011223-1v1-RNclownVSJenna-aggressor".
cg_autoaction bitmask
1 - demo
2 - screenshot
4 - statsfile
Set cg_autoaction to 7 for all.
The server can write stats at the end of the game.
g_writeStats to activate the serverstats.
g_statsPath for the path where the stats are saved.
This can be used for central-stats.
Example: http://oaunofficial.exulo.de/ca.php
With the g_itemDrop bitmask admins can activate flag/weapondrop(later) on the server.
1 - Flagdrop
2 - Weapondrop
Please do not test Weapondrop now.
When the Flagcarrier commits suicide and flagdrop is allowed, the flag is not returned.
Commands are "dropflag" and "dropweapon"
The player can see particles when cg_particles is set.
http://www.abload.de/img/shot0007dg0l.jpg (possible offline)
(Link: http://www.abload.de/img/shot0007dg0l.jpg)
Players can choose out of 4 different lg-styles.
0 - new aftershock lg
1 - new aftershock lg thin
2 - old oa lg
3 - thin simple lg
low ammo warning
replaced cg_drawAmmoWarning with cg_ammoWarning bitmask
1 - Onscreen message
2 - play sound
The lowAmmoWarning was not working in openarena(bug)
replaced com_blood with cg_blood nd g_gibs.
When cg_blood is not set and a player is gibbed the spawnsound is played and sparks fly around(when cg_gibs is set).
If you want a bloody game enable cg_blood
Easy pm-skins
Players can use colorcodes( the codes for text ) or color-keywords for pm-skins.
Example: cg_enemyHeadColor "1" will make the enemyhead red( colorcode )
cg_enemyHeadColor "red" will make the enemyhead red( color-keyword )
cg_enemyHeadColor "0xFF0000FF" will make the enemyhead red ( hex-color )
colorcodes are 1-9,a-z,A-Z
color-keywords are red, green, yellow, blue, cyan, purple, white, orange
CA/Elimination bugfixes and changes
-RL is preselected( not crappy PG anymore ).
-players sorted by damage done.
-fixed spawn bug in warmup( one team spawned dead or spawned in wall ).
-Teamliving count shows how many players are alive in both teams.
http://www.abload.de/img/shot00083roh.jpg (possible offline)
(Link: http://www.abload.de/img/shot00083roh.jpg)
-Players can change weapon before roundstart.
-Dead players can only spec teammates per default. Dead players cannot spy the enemy-team anymore.
-fixed the hitsound bug, dead players can hear hitsounds now
-more fixes( uh im lazy )
Queue and Spec in tourney
speconly players are shown as "SPEC" and waiting players as "QUEUE"
in teamgames players can use this tokens in teamchat to inform teammates
#A: armor(colored)
#a: armor(white)
#C: the location you last died
#D: the play you received dmg from
#E: shows enemies on screen(buggy), shows enemy-powerups(like flag)
#F: nearest Teammate
#H: health(colored)
#h: health(white)
#I: nearest item
#K: the last player who killed you
#l: nearest itemspawn( for location, some maps dont have maplocations )
#L: your maplocation
#M: ammo of your current weapon
#P: last picked up item
#S: the item in your crosshair
#T: last enemy you damaged
#U: shows your powerups( flag, quad, ... )
#W: your current weapon
more fixes/changes
I cannot write everything down, its just too much.
One is important: New rewards work for specs now
have fun
much happened to oaUnofficial the last two month and i was to lazy to write it down. Yes procrastination sucks, now i have so much to write down.
First of all: This project is called "aftershock" now.
you can activate respawntimers with cg_drawRespawnTimer when g_allowRespawnTimer is set on server.
On the right side of the item is the next item, when >1 items of this type spawn on the map. On the left side is the teamicon(in CTF games).
There are some bugs with teamitems and powerups, 1v1 should work great.
http://www.abload.de/img/shot00056pzo.jpg (possible offline)
(Link: http://www.abload.de/img/shot00056pzo.jpg)
High resolution icons
Icons are now 128px X 128px big. Looks much better on high-res.
READY system
g_startWhenReady 0,1,2
Players can ready up or unready with the "ready" command(toggle).
The match starts when half is ready ( g_startWhenReady 1 ), or all are ready ( g_startWhenReady 2 ).
When a player changes the ready-status you can see a message on the screen.
http://www.abload.de/img/shot0006t32z.jpg (possible offline)
(Link: http://www.abload.de/img/shot0006t32z.jpg)
cg_autosnaps sets snaps to the sv_fps value. sv_fps is set to 40 on aftershock servers, please use 40 too.
Vote sounds
When a player calls a vote a "vote now" sounds is played. "vote passed", "vote failed" is played at the end of vote.
When g_timeoutAllow is set players can call a timeout with the "timeout" command. The timeout is g_timeoutTime long(msec).
Need some testing, critical bugs.
Projectile delag
To balance the game a bit, admins can enable projectile delag.
g_delagProjectiles 0,1,2,3+
0 - nothing happened
1 - Projectile-nudge 50ms
2 - Projectile-nudge serverlag
3+ - Nudge projectiles per ping(max g_delagprojectiles )
I recommend g_delagProjectiles 100, so players with 100 ping can play with full delagged projectiles.
Thanks to JessicaRa for this.
With autoaction the game will record a demo, write a screenshot and/or write endgame-stats.
The files are organized in folders, the foldername is the date ( "2010-07-17" ).
The filename is for example "20100717011223-1v1-RNclownVSJenna-aggressor".
cg_autoaction bitmask
1 - demo
2 - screenshot
4 - statsfile
Set cg_autoaction to 7 for all.
The server can write stats at the end of the game.
g_writeStats to activate the serverstats.
g_statsPath for the path where the stats are saved.
This can be used for central-stats.
Example: http://oaunofficial.exulo.de/ca.php
With the g_itemDrop bitmask admins can activate flag/weapondrop(later) on the server.
1 - Flagdrop
2 - Weapondrop
Please do not test Weapondrop now.
When the Flagcarrier commits suicide and flagdrop is allowed, the flag is not returned.
Commands are "dropflag" and "dropweapon"
The player can see particles when cg_particles is set.
http://www.abload.de/img/shot0007dg0l.jpg (possible offline)
(Link: http://www.abload.de/img/shot0007dg0l.jpg)
Players can choose out of 4 different lg-styles.
0 - new aftershock lg
1 - new aftershock lg thin
2 - old oa lg
3 - thin simple lg
low ammo warning
replaced cg_drawAmmoWarning with cg_ammoWarning bitmask
1 - Onscreen message
2 - play sound
The lowAmmoWarning was not working in openarena(bug)
replaced com_blood with cg_blood nd g_gibs.
When cg_blood is not set and a player is gibbed the spawnsound is played and sparks fly around(when cg_gibs is set).
If you want a bloody game enable cg_blood
Easy pm-skins
Players can use colorcodes( the codes for text ) or color-keywords for pm-skins.
Example: cg_enemyHeadColor "1" will make the enemyhead red( colorcode )
cg_enemyHeadColor "red" will make the enemyhead red( color-keyword )
cg_enemyHeadColor "0xFF0000FF" will make the enemyhead red ( hex-color )
colorcodes are 1-9,a-z,A-Z
color-keywords are red, green, yellow, blue, cyan, purple, white, orange
CA/Elimination bugfixes and changes
-RL is preselected( not crappy PG anymore ).
-players sorted by damage done.
-fixed spawn bug in warmup( one team spawned dead or spawned in wall ).
-Teamliving count shows how many players are alive in both teams.
http://www.abload.de/img/shot00083roh.jpg (possible offline)
(Link: http://www.abload.de/img/shot00083roh.jpg)
-Players can change weapon before roundstart.
-Dead players can only spec teammates per default. Dead players cannot spy the enemy-team anymore.
-fixed the hitsound bug, dead players can hear hitsounds now
-more fixes( uh im lazy )
Queue and Spec in tourney
speconly players are shown as "SPEC" and waiting players as "QUEUE"
in teamgames players can use this tokens in teamchat to inform teammates
#A: armor(colored)
#a: armor(white)
#C: the location you last died
#D: the play you received dmg from
#E: shows enemies on screen(buggy), shows enemy-powerups(like flag)
#F: nearest Teammate
#H: health(colored)
#h: health(white)
#I: nearest item
#K: the last player who killed you
#l: nearest itemspawn( for location, some maps dont have maplocations )
#L: your maplocation
#M: ammo of your current weapon
#P: last picked up item
#S: the item in your crosshair
#T: last enemy you damaged
#U: shows your powerups( flag, quad, ... )
#W: your current weapon
more fixes/changes
I cannot write everything down, its just too much.
One is important: New rewards work for specs now

have fun