List of AfterShock client-side commands:
cg_autoaction (default: 0)
Game will automatically do the thing(s) specified by set value.
0 - does nothing
1 - recording demo
2 - screenshot after game
4 - statsfile after game
To perform more than one action, sum up values of 2 or more options.
To have "full house", set cg_autoaction to 7.
cg_ammoWarning (default: 3)
Informs you when your ammo level is really low.
0 - nothing happens
1 - show onscreen message ("Low ammo warning")
2 - play sound (click)
To have both message and sound, sum listed values.
You can also hear click sound when your enemy is low on ammo.
cg_autosnaps (default: 1)
Automatically sets snaps value to the one specified by server. It's useful since servers use different settings and having the same value as server is crucial to reduce connection lags.
0 - disables automatical snaps setting
1 - enables automatical snaps setting (highly recommended)
cg_brightItems (default: 0)
Sets the bright weapon models. Every weapon model has specified color. For example Lightning Gun is all white.
0 - disables bright weapons
1 - enables bright weapons
cg_crosshairPulse (default: 1)
Toggles the crosshair pulsation effect.
0 - nothing happens after hit/item collection
1 - pulsation after collecting any item
2 - pulsation after hit
cg_crosshairHitColor (default: 0)
Toggles the crosshair color change after hitting an enemy.
0 - crosshair behaves normally
1 - crosshair changes color (to yellow after low dmg done and to red after big damage done) for 0.5 second.
cg_deadBodyColor (default: 0x323232FF)
Specifies the color of dead player's model color. Works only if below command is set to 1.
Same as PM skins.
cg_deadBodyDarken (default: 1)
If enabled, turns dead player's model color into the one specified in command above.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled
cg_drawItemPickups (default: 7)
Shows on your screen every info about item you picked up for 3 seconds.
0 - nothing appears after item pickup
1 - draw icon
2 - draw itemname
4 - draw pickuptime
To have more than one kind of info, sum their values.
Example: to see all of them, set cg_drawItemPickups to 7.
cg_hitbeep (default: 2)
Sets style of hitting sound.
0 - no hitsound
1 - standard OA hitsound
2 - multitone hitsounds
3 - reversed multitone hitsounds
cg_lightningExplosion (default: 0)
Toggles the display of ball in the end of Lightning Gun ray (some kind of hit ball)
0 - ball display disabled
1 - ball display enabled
cg_lightningStyle (default: 0)
Sets the style of Lightning Gun ray.
0 - new aftershock ray
1 - new aftershock ray (thin)
2 - standard OpenArena ray
3 - very thin and simple ray
cg_lgHitSfx (default: 1)
Toggles the Lightning Gun shot noise (that thunder-like sound on the beginning of LG fire)
0 - noise disabled
1 - noise enabled
cg_mapConfigs (default: 0)
Enables possibility to have different configuration sets for specified maps.
Config sets must be located in "mapconfigs" in this mod folder.
If you hit on a map for which you don't have own configuration set, mod will try to exec default config (mapconfigs/default.cfg).
Example: place oasago2.cfg in mapconfigs folder to have different binds while playing Sago's Castles map.
0 - disables map configs
1 - enables map configs
cg_noAmmoChange (default: 1)
Toggles the possibility to select weapons which ran out of ammo.
0 - 'empty' weapons selection disabled
1 - 'empty' weapons selection enabled
cg_nokick (default: 1)
Toggles the screen bobbing (shaking) while being hit or fell down.
0 - shaking screen
1 - stable screen
cg_nomip (default: 0)
Bitmask to disable the picmip effect (color and shape loss) on specified shaders.
0 - picmip affects everything
Values below determines which effects aren't picmipped
1 - Lightning Gun
2 - Plasma Gun
4 - Rocket Launcher
8 - Grenade Launcher
16 - Bullets
32 - Railgun
64 - BFG
128 - Blood
256 - Smoke
To keep various effects unpicmpped, sum up the numbers and set cg_nomip to value you got.
Example: if you want to have unpicmipped Lightning Gun, Bullets, BFG and Smoke, set cg_nomip to 337.
cg_nomip 511 disables picmip effect to every shader specified above.
cg_particles (default: 1)
Enable/disable Aftershocks particle system
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (default)
cg_plasmaBallAlpha (default: 255)
Specifies the visibility of flying plasma sphere
0 - 255
0 - invisible
between - varies
255 - 100% visible
cg_weaponBarStyle (default: 0)
Standard OpenArena 0.8.5 command. AfterShock mod comes with 3 additional weapon bars.
The benefit of AfterShock's weaponbars is that they show only the weapons you can pick on specified map.
Example: on oasago2 map weaponbar won't show BFG weapon.
0 - standard weaponbar
1, 2 - OA 0.8.5 setting
3 - weapon bar on the left side
4 - weapon bar on in the middle
5 - weapon bar on right side
cg_weaponbobbing (default: 1)
Toggles the weapon bobbing (shaking) while walking.
0 - stable weapon
1 - shaking weapon
s_ambient (default: 1)
Enables or disables ambiental sounds (like wind, burning torches etc.)
0 - ambient sounds disabled
1 - ambient sounds enabled
PM skins
With them you can set one model and its color for enemy team and other color and model for your team.
Commands to enable it:
cg_forceteammodel 1 (default: 1)
cg_forcemodel 1 (default: 1)
Commands to customize it:
cg_enemymodel (default: smarine/pm)
cg_teammodel (default: major/pm)
cg_enemyHeadColor (default: yellow
cg_enemyTorsoColor (default: yellow)
cg_enemyLegsColor (default: yellow)
cg_enemyWeaponColor (default: 0x00FF00FF) sets the weapon effects' color of your enemies
cg_teamHeadColor (default: white)
cg_teamTorsoColor (default: white)
cg_teamLegsColor (default: white)
cg_teamWeaponColor (default: 0xFFFFFFFF) sets the weapon effects' color of you and your teammates
Commands to enable specified model per team while spectating a game:
cg_blueteammodel (default: skelebot/pm)
cg_redteammodel (default: major/pm)
Commands to customize it:
cg_blueHeadColor (default: blue)
cg_blueTorsoColor (default: blue)
cg_blueLegsColor (default: blue)
cg_redHeadColor (default: red)
cg_redTorsoColor (default: red)
cg_redLegsColor (default: red)
For cg_*model there are possible 4 different PM models:
How to fill model color commands?
There are 3 ways to specify model color:
1. Use color code
Color code is a built-in coloring system used in nicks and chatting. Allowed values are:
1 - red
2 - green
3 - yellow
4 - dark blue
5 - cyan
6 - pink
7 - white
8 - black
seta cg_enemyTorsoColor 1 to set your enemy's torso color to red.
2. Use color name
Just type any color's usual name, eg. red, yellow, green.
seta cg_enemyTorsoColor red to set your enemy's torso color to red.
3. Use hex color
Hex code is built from 0xRRGGBBAA
R - amount of red color
G - amount of green color
B - amount of blue color
A - alpha level.
How to make RRGGBB code? Best explained here.
Tip: Set alpha level to FF to have maximum visibility of specified model.
seta cg_enemyTorsoColor 0xFF0000FF to set your enemy's torso color to red
Chat tokens for team games
To make team games more challenging and competetive, you can use team chat tokens to inform your mates about position, health/armor level and many many more.
List of tokens:
#A: armor (colored)
#a: armor (white)
#C: location of last death
#D: attacker name
#E: ?
#F: nearest teammate
#H: health (colored)
#h: health (white)
#I: nearest item
#K: last 'murderer' (the player who killed you)
#l: nearest itemspawn (for location, some maps don't have maplocations)
#L: your maplocation
#M: ammo of your current weapon
#P: last picked up item
#S: the item in your crosshair
#T: last enemy you damaged
#U: shows your powerups (flag, quad damage, etc.)
#W: your current weapon
Example of fully packed config:
seta cg_hitbeep 2
seta s_ambient 0
seta cg_nokick 1
seta cg_weaponbobbing 0
seta cg_plasmaBallAlpha 50
seta cg_deadBodyDarken 1
seta cg_deadBodyColor 0x000000FF // (totally black)
seta cg_drawItemPickups 7
seta cg_weaponBarStyle 3
seta cg_mapConfigs 1
seta cg_brightItems 1
seta cg_autosnaps 1
seta cg_autoaction 7
seta cg_lightningStyle 3
seta cg_ammoWarning 3
seta cg_particles 0
// PM skins
seta cg_forceteammodel 1
seta cg_forcemodel 1
seta cg_enemymodel smarine/pm
seta cg_teammodel skelebot/pm
seta cg_enemyHeadColor 0x00FF00FF
seta cg_enemyTorsoColor 0x00FF00FF
seta cg_enemyLegsColor 0x00FF00FF
seta cg_enemyWeaponColor 0x00FF00FF
seta cg_teamHeadColor 0xED1F9DFF
seta cg_teamTorsoColor 0xED1F9DFF
seta cg_teamLegsColor 0xED1F9DFF
seta cg_teamWeaponColor 0xED1F9DFF
// (green enemy, pink team)
seta cg_blueteammodel smarine/pm
seta cg_redteammodel smarine/pm
seta cg_blueHeadColor 0x0000FFFF
seta cg_blueTorsoColor 0x0000FFFF
seta cg_blueLegsColor 0x0000FFFF
seta cg_redHeadColor 0xFF0000FF
seta cg_redTorsoColor 0xFF0000FF
seta cg_redLegsColor 0xFF0000FF
// team chat binds
// binded to numberpad keys
bind KP_END "say_team Need help at #L"
bind KP_DOWNARROW "say_team Low life: #H/#A"
bind KP_PGDN "say_team Behind you, #F"
bind KP_LEFTARROW "say_team #K in base"
bind KP_5 "say_team #C - watch out, hot there"
bind KP_RIGHTARROW "say_team Waiting with #W"
bind KP_HOME "say_team #I available"
bind KP_UPARROW "say_team #P taken"
bind KP_PGUP "say_team #T low, finish him"
Hm, the end.
Feel free to post any suggestions about above stuff. Don't be afraid and correct every mistake I've made.
See you
Edit: removed useless introduction to the topic and removed info about screenshots soon. They will appear on AfterShock stats site.
Ah, and added cvars from recent releases: revision 78, 79 and 80.
Hope we will have spoiler tag soon.
cg_autoaction (default: 0)
Game will automatically do the thing(s) specified by set value.
0 - does nothing
1 - recording demo
2 - screenshot after game
4 - statsfile after game
To perform more than one action, sum up values of 2 or more options.
To have "full house", set cg_autoaction to 7.
cg_ammoWarning (default: 3)
Informs you when your ammo level is really low.
0 - nothing happens
1 - show onscreen message ("Low ammo warning")
2 - play sound (click)
To have both message and sound, sum listed values.
You can also hear click sound when your enemy is low on ammo.
cg_autosnaps (default: 1)
Automatically sets snaps value to the one specified by server. It's useful since servers use different settings and having the same value as server is crucial to reduce connection lags.
0 - disables automatical snaps setting
1 - enables automatical snaps setting (highly recommended)
cg_brightItems (default: 0)
Sets the bright weapon models. Every weapon model has specified color. For example Lightning Gun is all white.
0 - disables bright weapons
1 - enables bright weapons
cg_crosshairPulse (default: 1)
Toggles the crosshair pulsation effect.
0 - nothing happens after hit/item collection
1 - pulsation after collecting any item
2 - pulsation after hit
cg_crosshairHitColor (default: 0)
Toggles the crosshair color change after hitting an enemy.
0 - crosshair behaves normally
1 - crosshair changes color (to yellow after low dmg done and to red after big damage done) for 0.5 second.
cg_deadBodyColor (default: 0x323232FF)
Specifies the color of dead player's model color. Works only if below command is set to 1.
Same as PM skins.
cg_deadBodyDarken (default: 1)
If enabled, turns dead player's model color into the one specified in command above.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled
cg_drawItemPickups (default: 7)
Shows on your screen every info about item you picked up for 3 seconds.
0 - nothing appears after item pickup
1 - draw icon
2 - draw itemname
4 - draw pickuptime
To have more than one kind of info, sum their values.
Example: to see all of them, set cg_drawItemPickups to 7.
cg_hitbeep (default: 2)
Sets style of hitting sound.
0 - no hitsound
1 - standard OA hitsound
2 - multitone hitsounds
3 - reversed multitone hitsounds
cg_lightningExplosion (default: 0)
Toggles the display of ball in the end of Lightning Gun ray (some kind of hit ball)
0 - ball display disabled
1 - ball display enabled
cg_lightningStyle (default: 0)
Sets the style of Lightning Gun ray.
0 - new aftershock ray
1 - new aftershock ray (thin)
2 - standard OpenArena ray
3 - very thin and simple ray
cg_lgHitSfx (default: 1)
Toggles the Lightning Gun shot noise (that thunder-like sound on the beginning of LG fire)
0 - noise disabled
1 - noise enabled
cg_mapConfigs (default: 0)
Enables possibility to have different configuration sets for specified maps.
Config sets must be located in "mapconfigs" in this mod folder.
If you hit on a map for which you don't have own configuration set, mod will try to exec default config (mapconfigs/default.cfg).
Example: place oasago2.cfg in mapconfigs folder to have different binds while playing Sago's Castles map.
0 - disables map configs
1 - enables map configs
cg_noAmmoChange (default: 1)
Toggles the possibility to select weapons which ran out of ammo.
0 - 'empty' weapons selection disabled
1 - 'empty' weapons selection enabled
cg_nokick (default: 1)
Toggles the screen bobbing (shaking) while being hit or fell down.
0 - shaking screen
1 - stable screen
cg_nomip (default: 0)
Bitmask to disable the picmip effect (color and shape loss) on specified shaders.
0 - picmip affects everything
Values below determines which effects aren't picmipped
1 - Lightning Gun
2 - Plasma Gun
4 - Rocket Launcher
8 - Grenade Launcher
16 - Bullets
32 - Railgun
64 - BFG
128 - Blood
256 - Smoke
To keep various effects unpicmpped, sum up the numbers and set cg_nomip to value you got.
Example: if you want to have unpicmipped Lightning Gun, Bullets, BFG and Smoke, set cg_nomip to 337.
cg_nomip 511 disables picmip effect to every shader specified above.
cg_particles (default: 1)
Enable/disable Aftershocks particle system
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (default)
cg_plasmaBallAlpha (default: 255)
Specifies the visibility of flying plasma sphere
0 - 255
0 - invisible
between - varies
255 - 100% visible
cg_weaponBarStyle (default: 0)
Standard OpenArena 0.8.5 command. AfterShock mod comes with 3 additional weapon bars.
The benefit of AfterShock's weaponbars is that they show only the weapons you can pick on specified map.
Example: on oasago2 map weaponbar won't show BFG weapon.
0 - standard weaponbar
1, 2 - OA 0.8.5 setting
3 - weapon bar on the left side
4 - weapon bar on in the middle
5 - weapon bar on right side
cg_weaponbobbing (default: 1)
Toggles the weapon bobbing (shaking) while walking.
0 - stable weapon
1 - shaking weapon
s_ambient (default: 1)
Enables or disables ambiental sounds (like wind, burning torches etc.)
0 - ambient sounds disabled
1 - ambient sounds enabled
PM skins
With them you can set one model and its color for enemy team and other color and model for your team.
Commands to enable it:
cg_forceteammodel 1 (default: 1)
cg_forcemodel 1 (default: 1)
Commands to customize it:
cg_enemymodel (default: smarine/pm)
cg_teammodel (default: major/pm)
cg_enemyHeadColor (default: yellow
cg_enemyTorsoColor (default: yellow)
cg_enemyLegsColor (default: yellow)
cg_enemyWeaponColor (default: 0x00FF00FF) sets the weapon effects' color of your enemies
cg_teamHeadColor (default: white)
cg_teamTorsoColor (default: white)
cg_teamLegsColor (default: white)
cg_teamWeaponColor (default: 0xFFFFFFFF) sets the weapon effects' color of you and your teammates
Commands to enable specified model per team while spectating a game:
cg_blueteammodel (default: skelebot/pm)
cg_redteammodel (default: major/pm)
Commands to customize it:
cg_blueHeadColor (default: blue)
cg_blueTorsoColor (default: blue)
cg_blueLegsColor (default: blue)
cg_redHeadColor (default: red)
cg_redTorsoColor (default: red)
cg_redLegsColor (default: red)
For cg_*model there are possible 4 different PM models:
How to fill model color commands?
There are 3 ways to specify model color:
1. Use color code
Color code is a built-in coloring system used in nicks and chatting. Allowed values are:
1 - red
2 - green
3 - yellow
4 - dark blue
5 - cyan
6 - pink
7 - white
8 - black
seta cg_enemyTorsoColor 1 to set your enemy's torso color to red.
2. Use color name
Just type any color's usual name, eg. red, yellow, green.
seta cg_enemyTorsoColor red to set your enemy's torso color to red.
3. Use hex color
Hex code is built from 0xRRGGBBAA
R - amount of red color
G - amount of green color
B - amount of blue color
A - alpha level.
How to make RRGGBB code? Best explained here.
Tip: Set alpha level to FF to have maximum visibility of specified model.
seta cg_enemyTorsoColor 0xFF0000FF to set your enemy's torso color to red
Chat tokens for team games
To make team games more challenging and competetive, you can use team chat tokens to inform your mates about position, health/armor level and many many more.
List of tokens:
#A: armor (colored)
#a: armor (white)
#C: location of last death
#D: attacker name
#E: ?
#F: nearest teammate
#H: health (colored)
#h: health (white)
#I: nearest item
#K: last 'murderer' (the player who killed you)
#l: nearest itemspawn (for location, some maps don't have maplocations)
#L: your maplocation
#M: ammo of your current weapon
#P: last picked up item
#S: the item in your crosshair
#T: last enemy you damaged
#U: shows your powerups (flag, quad damage, etc.)
#W: your current weapon
Example of fully packed config:
seta cg_hitbeep 2
seta s_ambient 0
seta cg_nokick 1
seta cg_weaponbobbing 0
seta cg_plasmaBallAlpha 50
seta cg_deadBodyDarken 1
seta cg_deadBodyColor 0x000000FF // (totally black)
seta cg_drawItemPickups 7
seta cg_weaponBarStyle 3
seta cg_mapConfigs 1
seta cg_brightItems 1
seta cg_autosnaps 1
seta cg_autoaction 7
seta cg_lightningStyle 3
seta cg_ammoWarning 3
seta cg_particles 0
// PM skins
seta cg_forceteammodel 1
seta cg_forcemodel 1
seta cg_enemymodel smarine/pm
seta cg_teammodel skelebot/pm
seta cg_enemyHeadColor 0x00FF00FF
seta cg_enemyTorsoColor 0x00FF00FF
seta cg_enemyLegsColor 0x00FF00FF
seta cg_enemyWeaponColor 0x00FF00FF
seta cg_teamHeadColor 0xED1F9DFF
seta cg_teamTorsoColor 0xED1F9DFF
seta cg_teamLegsColor 0xED1F9DFF
seta cg_teamWeaponColor 0xED1F9DFF
// (green enemy, pink team)
seta cg_blueteammodel smarine/pm
seta cg_redteammodel smarine/pm
seta cg_blueHeadColor 0x0000FFFF
seta cg_blueTorsoColor 0x0000FFFF
seta cg_blueLegsColor 0x0000FFFF
seta cg_redHeadColor 0xFF0000FF
seta cg_redTorsoColor 0xFF0000FF
seta cg_redLegsColor 0xFF0000FF
// team chat binds
// binded to numberpad keys
bind KP_END "say_team Need help at #L"
bind KP_DOWNARROW "say_team Low life: #H/#A"
bind KP_PGDN "say_team Behind you, #F"
bind KP_LEFTARROW "say_team #K in base"
bind KP_5 "say_team #C - watch out, hot there"
bind KP_RIGHTARROW "say_team Waiting with #W"
bind KP_HOME "say_team #I available"
bind KP_UPARROW "say_team #P taken"
bind KP_PGUP "say_team #T low, finish him"
Hm, the end.
Feel free to post any suggestions about above stuff. Don't be afraid and correct every mistake I've made.

See you
Edit: removed useless introduction to the topic and removed info about screenshots soon. They will appear on AfterShock stats site.
Ah, and added cvars from recent releases: revision 78, 79 and 80.
Hope we will have spoiler tag soon.